Reversal of Fortune: Joseph
June 13, 2023

Sold into slavery, Joseph rises to prominence in Egypt and catches the attention of an important member of The Pharaoh’s government. Working for Potipher, Joseph attracts the wrong kind of attention and is falsely accused of a crime and sent to prison. But, being who he is, Joseph earns the respect of the prison officials and soon finds himself running the place. The scene shifts again and we find that due to Joseph’s honorable conduct in prison, using the gifts he has been given to interpret dreams, he is remembered and called out of prison to serve Pharaoh.
The Pharaoh needs his disturbing dream interpreted and no one in the entire kingdom can help him. Someone Joseph knew in prison recommended the Pharaoh send for Joseph. And the rest, as they say, is history.
There is some great momentum here on day two. new relationships are being forged and old relationships are being renewed. It is so gratifying to see the ongoing progress of investing in so many over several years in the same place. We hope to continue having this sort of impact here. But we also are deeply humbled by the impact this place and these people are having on our own walk with Jesus.
Please be in prayer about:
- Increasing curiosity about Jesus.
- No distractions for the campers or the team.
- The renewal of the Church here in Latvia.