
SON Network is an organization that serves people in a part of the world that is often overlooked as a mission field. We excel at reaching spiritual orphans in the unique context of former communist nations.

SON Network equips Christian believers, here and overseas, to be more mature kingdom-builders by helping bring the Gospel to those still living in the aftermath of over three-generations of imposed Soviet scientific atheism. The people of these once-thriving Christian nations have forgotten their Christian identity and thirst to know they are called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified children of God, in Christ Jesus!

As a sending agency, Spiritual Orphans Network has placed career missionaries in Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Albania, Turkey and Dubai, UAE. We also strive to equip our international ministry partners to serve as missionaries within their own cultures. Each summer, STM (short-term missions) Teams are sent to serve alongside these full-time missionaries and ministry partners.

For Churches

SON Network is helping solve the challenge for church leaders who desire a catalyst for discipleship and local mission opportunities.

Walking with people from their first encounter with God’s Word through a life transformed in Christ!  You will never read or hear SON Network boasting about the number of people we “saved” during one of our missions. This is the work of the Holy Spirit by God’s grace, alone. Sometimes it can happen in an instant, but for most people, this profound transformation takes time, trust, and the patience of genuine relationship. We are in it for the “long haul” and so we spend a great deal of time investing in the relationships that have been so carefully nurtured, over time. This is where churches can become valuable partners in ministry and where the partnership works both ways!

Participants often return after serving on a SON mission team with a greater openness to intentionally pursuing spiritual growth and a vision for local mission opportunities. Short-term missions are also an effective way to rally an entire congregation to participate in global missions by sending short-term missionaries, supplying material support, and praying for those going and for those receiving the Word of God through mission.

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For Businesses

Because of our unique mission field, SON Network stands out among North American Christian individuals, congregations, businesses, and leaders – from Gen-Y’s and Millennials to aging Baby Boomers.

We believe that our mission is founded in the Great Commission as commanded by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 19-20). Our vision and task is Connecting Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ. We do this by Engaging, Reclaiming, and Transforming lives in Christ!

This is where your business can become a powerful voice in Connecting Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ. By partnering with SON Network, you can engage your client base in unique and creative ways to help equip and support this generation to reach the first generation of believers in former communist nations.

Please contact us so that we can engage in a conversation about how your business can be an important part of Connecting Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ!

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