
Connecting Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ.

Spiritual Orphans Lack a Connection to God. YOU Are That Connection!

They often feel isolated and alone. This creates an absence of hope, no concept of forgiveness, and a lack of identity. SON Connects Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ. We do this by building relationships through Christian missions to former communist and Soviet bloc nations that Engage, Reclaim and Transform lives in Christ! In other words:

Connected through YOU. Adopted by GOD.




Engaged Through the Word of God.



Reclaimed Identity as a Child of God.



Adopted by God and Forever Transformed in Christ.


“We are very thankful to people who want to be with us, here - the whole American team and Slovak team - and I am so thankful to God that we can do this.”

Nika, Slovak partner

“It is truly amazing to see how children change during the week they spend in this camp. In this camp, children learn to share with one another. I am really thankful you are coming here, every year. It is so amazing to see that you have kind of become a part of my family, too. It’s so amazing to have people all across the world that care about me and pray for me.”

Anna, Latvian Partner

“Through this trip, I learned so much about me and what I want to do in my life. It has given me direction. Working for other people and working for God - and not working for myself - has given me a lot of clarity.”

Natalie, 19

“We show up with a posture of wanting to learn from and respect what the people we are serving have to teach us, and that attitude toward mission is really healthy and that encourages me a lot. The experience of being here allows the people from the States to see their own culture through new eyes, but it also opens them up to see what God is doing in a different place and a different set of circumstances… it’s just a tremendous discipleship tool.”

Pr. Mark, American Team Leader

“The way the training is orchestrated, with the online meetings, as you have teams from all over, is Great! I have been on other mission trips before, with teams, where we have been spread out and we couldn’t get together, with face-to-face meetings, and I could tell the difference. There is a huge difference!”


“I felt like I had a purpose because I knew that everything we were doing - it wasn’t for myself - It was for them and it was for the Lord. That’s really impactful.”

Faith, 18

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