Albania Camp Day 1

July 3, 2023

Usually the first day of a language camp has a few hiccups along the way. Thanks be to God (and the result of great training and preparation of the team by still traveling Pr. Phil & Carolyn), today went very smoothly and resulted in 61 students encountering the love, grace, and mercy of God through exploring the Old Testament recounting of God healing Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-10). It is the first of five biblical examples of healing that reflect The Power of God!

Students ranging from grades 2-8 enjoyed getting to know their teachers and Albanian co-teacher/translators during rotations including class time, crafts, sports, and music! We also broke bread together and strengthened our new-found relationships over a delicious lunch.

Even though this was only the first day of camp, genuine curiosity and some amazing questions have already been asked by students about the love of God, including: “Is Jesus just for Christians?” to which the answer is: “Jesus is for all people!”

Following the camp day, some team members were invited out to coffee, which is a huge part of Albanian culture and where deep conversations and bonding often take place. The entire team of Americans and Albanians also were treated to a traditional Albanian dinner in the beautiful setting of church member Zati’s property, located in the higher mountainside elevation in Peshkopi.

At this writing, Pr. Phil & Carolyn are on the last leg of their multi-flight itinerary that is finally bringing them to Albania (4 days later than originally planned)! They are expected to arrive at our hotel in Peshkopi very early in the morning and join the camp during rotations, sometime later Tuesday morning.


  • For Pr. Phil & Carolyn to rest well upon their arrival and recover quickly from jet-lag.
  • For curiosity to continue among the participants and the citizens of Peshkopi, as relationships grow and opportunities present themselves for meaningful conversations.
  • Praise God for the whole team finally being in country and for continued health in every member.