First Few days in Latvia
June 9, 2024
It is Sunday afternoon and the team is just back from setting up their classrooms for the start of Bible Camp on Monday. We are at various stages of jet lag. Jet lag is one kind of challenge if you are on vacation in Europe where you just have to keep track of you next sight-seeing excursion and an entirely different kind of challenge when you are setting up to lead a Bible class and Summer camp in a country where you know very little of the language and only some of the customs.
The team is adjusting in its own way. Please continue praying for clear minds, healthy bodies, and positive attitudes. As we say, the mission trip starts the moment you step into the airport, but the actual camp starts on Monday. So far, all is well. Pray boldly about protection from any mishaps and for clear opportunities to share the love of Christ through the camp curriculum, personal interactions, and the daily activities of daily life. We work to not only to prepare for the task of leading the camp but also to take note of what the Lord is doing in our own faith life.
Stay tuned for more! And keep praying!