LATVIA TEAM – Sabile Day 1
June 17, 2024
The first day of camp is in the books!
Sabile Public School
Monday morning started with a great deal of enthusiasm and some butterflies, from the kids (and maybe the adult team members, too!). This is the first time a SON English Bible Camp is being hosted in the beautiful Northwestern Latvia town of Sabile. Students from ages 7 to 15 began to explore the Life of Moses and how it testifies to having Trust in God.
Psalm 28:7a is the theme verse for the week and we are learning what Trust looks like when we are in danger, when we make mistakes, when we feel unworthy, and when we need help from God. For many students, this is the first time they have encountered Americans and the opportunity to bravely try and speak English with us. Some are understandably shy, while others are really embracing the challenge. A few brave Americans are also trying to learn some Latvian along the way!

Enjoying Our New Surroundings
Part of the joy of missions is in exploring a new country. Latvia is a stunningly beautiful country with views in every direction. Or accommodation, at Ružas (just outside Sabile), is truly a peaceful sanctuary set in nature. The entire team feels very special to stay in such a beautiful place.
One of the more interesting sights are the cows! While Nehemiah and J.T. have seen Dutch Belted cows in Texas, most of the team had never seen cows that look as if God dipped both ends in dark chocolate, while leaving the middle of each cow untouched! 🙂

Call to Action
Here’s how you can stay involved and what you can do!
Pray Continuously: Set aside time each day to pray for the mission trip. Pray for the team’s stamina and health. Pray for the people we will serve, and for the work God will do in and through us in Sabile. Pray especially for the Roma children and their families. We hope many will join us and be impacted by the camp. Pray for people to grow in curiosity toward Jesus and His Good News.
Stay Updated: Follow along on our ministry blog for more updates and inspiring stories from the camp. Your comments and encouragements are greatly appreciated and help us feel connected to our church family back home.
Get Involved: to learn more about the Spiritual Orphans Network, navigate to: https://sonetwork.org/learn/connect/ and fill out the form to request more information.