LATVIA TEAM – Sabile Day 2

June 18, 2024

Two Camps Today!

Tuesday brought many blessings and a second camp for us to merge into!

The second day of English Bible Camp in Sabile brought with it a noticeable difference in the kids. They were no longer anxious and unsure of what to expect, but were much more engaged and excited to be back!

This is pretty typical, especially when it is the first time hosting a camp in a new location. The kids initially thought they were being sent to school but were delighted to learn that Bible Camp is different and much more fun!

Today we focused on Trust, When You Make Mistakes. The story of Moses translates well in helping teach about trusting in God’s provision, even in the most difficult times in life.

Rotations through Music, Crafts, and Sports are a good way to reinforce the lessons and build community in Christ.

Later in the day, the team was invited to join a large group of confirmands who took canoes from Saldus and floated down the river to Sabile (about a 3-4 hour trip). 45+ youth, from Lutheran congregations throughout Latvia, gathered to learn about discipleship, hear testimonies, sing songs of worship, and camp overnight. Pastor David was invited to teach on discipleship and shared his own faith testimony to illustrate what being discipled is like for someone who did not previously have faith in Jesus Christ. In response, the whole camp sang Be Thou My Vision, only in Latvian (Esi, Kungs, gaisma)!

more Be Though My Vision

We look forward to what God will continue to do in, around, and through the English Bible Camp, in Sabile. The kids are open and receptive to talking about the things of God and, we pray, will draw closer to God and Connecting to the Global Family of Christ!

Here’s how you can stay involved and what you can do!

Pray Continuously: Set aside time each day to pray for the mission trip. Pray for the team’s stamina and health. Pray for the people we will serve, and for the work God will do in and through us in Sabile. Pray especially for the Roma children and their families. We hope many will join us and be impacted by the camp. Pray for people to grow in curiosity toward Jesus and His Good News.

Stay Updated: Follow along on our ministry blog for more updates and inspiring stories from the camp. Your comments and encouragements are greatly appreciated and help us feel connected to our church family back home.

Get Involved: to learn more about the Spiritual Orphans Network, navigate to: and fill out the form to request more information.