June 26, 2024
The team made it home!
First and foremost, thank you for your prayers and support during our time serving in Latvia. God moved in wonderful ways, by His Holy Spirit! We also enjoyed some time to explore the capitol city of Riga, Latvia. The history and architecture are amazing and awe inspiring.
We also spent intentional time to debrief, as a team, in order to begin processing all that we saw, heard, and experienced during the camps and as we lived in our host country. Missions trips have a way a stretching and growing you spiritually, as well as teaching each person just a little more about how God has uniquely equipped each of us to be His hands, feet, and voices of the Gospel in the world.
We are especially grateful for how welcoming, thoughtful, and hospitable our Latvian hosts are, as well as people whom we met for the first time. It is part of the Latvian culture to bless others with warm smiles, good food, and meaningful conversation.
On Monday, the team began the long journey home, all the while wondering if we can return to Latvia next year? Planning for the SON 2025 summer missions season will begin just as soon as all the current teams return from serving, at the end of July. Have YOU ever thought about being a part of a short term mission team? We encourage you to begin praying now, as the 2025 Application Season will open on October 1st on the SONetwork. org website! Visit: https://sonetwork.org/serve/opportunities/