Countdown to Departure: 2-week SEBC

July 2, 2024

The Slovakia English Bible Camp teams are getting ready to depart! There are three different English Bible Camps happening in Slovakia this year with two different teams serving, not to mention the two teen camps that will be taking place at the same time. God is moving mightily in this country, and many children and teens will hear the Gospel and have the opportunity to build relationships with God, one another, and the body of Christ through SON’s short-term missionaries and our many hosts and volunteers in country.

The 2-week Slovakia English Bible Camp will be departing on Thursday, July 4th (we’ll get an aerial view of Independence Day fireworks!) and will be arriving in Kosice, Slovakia on Friday, July 5th ahead of our two camps in Vranov nad Toplou and Batizovce. Our team members span from 2 years old to 87, and we represent all four time zones in the U.S.! We will be traveling from the following states:

  • California
  • Nevada
  • Colorado
  • Nebraska
  • Texas
  • Tennessee
  • North Carolina

Please pray that all team members and their luggage will arrive safely in Kosice without too many exciting travel adventures to share with family and friends back home 🙂