On to the Next!: 2-week SEBC

July 13, 2024

Greetings from the High Tatras of Slovakia! The team traveled today (Saturday) from Vranov to Gerlachov, a village right next to Batizovce, where our next week of camp will take place. Here’s a recap of our last few days in the Vranov camp:

On Wednesday, we learned about how to trust God when we feel unworthy, as Moses did when God called him from the burning bush to serve. Students worked hard on practicing their dramas for their Friday performance and made burning bush suncatchers. Some teachers had some very real conversations with their classes about trusting God when things suddenly changed in the camp, as several translators fell ill as well as some of our team members. We also took our whole camp and class photos, which you can see below!

On Thursday, we enjoyed an informal get together in the evening with families and students connected to the camp. After a quick program and photo slideshow, we moved outside to enjoy lots of potluck snacks and good conversation.

Friday’s camp day was shortened slightly to allow time for the closing program, where each class performed a brief song or skit about a portion of the Moses story. In the evening, we also enjoyed more relaxed time with interpreters and helpers from this camp as well as past camps before we headed back to our dorms to pack and prepare for departure.

Below are plenty more photos from the week, but here are some prayer requests:

  • Praises: safe travel to and comfortable lodgings in Gerlachov; sufficient health for most of the team, though a few are still feeling run down; for the opportunity to hold our 3rd camp in Batizovce; for the cooler weather
  • Petitions: continued health and opportunities to rest for the team; for the hearts of the 58 students and 12 interpreters/helpers who will be joining us this week in camp