July 16, 2024

Our second day of English Bible Camp is under our belt. 

Today’s theme was trusting God when we make mistakes. Illustrating this point was Pastor Daniel and Mike Wind, with a skit about a hockey player who, after making several shots in the goal, began to miss the goal and was getting booed by the crowd. His mistake not only cost him the game but he lost his fans in the process. In the same way we read about how Moses made a terrible mistake in Egypt causing him to flee for safety to a faraway country where he would end up finding his wife and would become a shepherd. Our mistakes do not negate the plans God has for us! Tomorrow we will see the hockey player skit take another turn!

At craft rotation the kids learned how Moses was a shepherd by making these cute pompom sheep! To everyone’s surprise the whole camp, even the boys, loved making these little sheep. What was nice about this craft is just as Moses was a shepherd in the wilderness taking care of sheep, he would later be a Shepherd over God’s people by leading them out of Egypt, to the Promised Land that God promised their ancestors. We were able to tie the Gospel in as Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are his lambs and sheep. He desires us to follow him as he leads us to the Promised Land. 

In the music rotation the kids are learning a song about Moses called “Nothing’s Impossible With God”. This song centers on God’s faithfulness when faced with many challenges. They’re also learning the song “Break Every Chain”. Just as Moses was used by God to deliver the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt, Jesus was sent to us to deliver us from the bondage of sin and death and, through His name, we can break every chain that binds us. The kids were singing along more audibly today and remembering the motions too!

A huge shift in dynamics has happened seemingly early in the camp where the students are more outgoing, speaking and interacting in English with teachers, and trusting our team more. We have noticed this in conversations in the hallways, during class times, and in our sports rotation. The students want to interact and play with the teachers using the American sports equipment. The teachers are having better English sessions with more conversation and willingness to share answers and vocalize their thoughts. It is a breath of fresh air in our classrooms and we are grateful to have opportunities to learn Slovak words to communicate better on our end!

One of the biggest blessings the team has been receiving is that the ladies of the church have been making homemade goodies. From cupcakes, pastries, homemade donuts and other tasty treats, we can truly tell you we’re not going hungry here in Slovakia! Slovakia is a gift-centric culture and their gratitude is shown in the big spreads of goodies we have been given! (We did bring some back for our team member to help them feel better quicker!! It certainly buoyed their spirits!) We’ve also been able to enjoy having dinner with Pastor and his wife at this wonderful restaurant that serves authentic Slovakian food. The staff are friendly and the menus come in an English option which is super helpful!

One of the biggest blessings the team has been receiving is that the ladies of the church have been making homemade goodies. From cupcakes, pastries, homemade donuts and other tasty treats, we can truly tell you we’re not going hungry here in Slovakia! Slovakia is a gift-centric culture and their gratitude is shown in the big spreads of goodies we have been given! (We did bring some back for our team member to help them feel better quicker!! It certainly buoyed their spirits!) We’ve also been able to enjoy having dinner with Pastor and his wife at this wonderful restaurant that serves authentic Slovakian food. The staff are friendly and the menus come in an English option which is super helpful!

Our team member who has been sick for a few days is recovering very well and is expected to join the camp on Wednesday. We’re so glad that they have been able to recover and are looking forward to jumping right in to the flow of camp. Thank you for your prayers and for keeping us on your hearts and minds. We can feel the Spirit working and moving with us as a team and within the walls of the school we are serving at. The memories being made and the gratefulness of the team for this opportunity is not lost on us and we are so thankful that SON provides this opportunity to serve the Lord and love on some awesome kids!

Well that’s it for now, we hope that you enjoy the pictures. Continue to keep us in prayer that we remain healthy and safe and that the kids hearts will be open to the good news of New Life in Jesus Christ as we share about God’s love through the life of Moses. Blessings from your Ružomberok Slovakia EBC team.