Slovakia EBC Combined Team – Vienna Day 1

July 20, 2024

Hello from Vienna! Both teams from Botizoce and Ružomberok combined yesterday around 5pm at the church in Ruzomberok. The teams rode on a bus together into Vienna and arrived at their hotel around 9pm. The hotel accommodations are lovely and everyone was able to have a restful night. 

We all reconvened in the morning for breakfast in a very crowded hotel dining area, and then moved into our team debriefs. The Slovakia teams split up into their original groups to unpack the English Bible camps. The camps, while similar in idea, still have different contexts and details about them that need specific debriefing and working through. The Ruzomberok 1 week team went outside to share about their week together and the 2 week team split into smaller groups to speak more about their extended time together.

The teams then all recombined into a 23 person group to discuss what the day would bring. While the team began their walk to the subway, DMC began to see a former student Kārlis from Striķi school. For the last three times in Vienna, he has gotten together to play catch up on life. These talks last for hours!

The rest of the team navigated the subway to Schönbrunn! (That means beautiful fountain). It was a magnificent place to see with so much history…and a lot of walking! There was a beautiful tour the team took inside the palace with over 40 rooms to walk through. The team was able to listen through an English handheld device that gave all the backstory on the family.

After finishing the tour, we took the team back through the subway and began to split off for evening plans. Some of our members went back to the hotel, some went out for a bite to eat, and some took a stroll around the area. There are a few pictures loaded here of our debriefs and travels around Vienna!

Tomorrow we look forward to worshipping together as our Slovak team in the International Church and then eating at a traditional Viennese restaurant. After that the teams will do a little exploring of the center of Vienna with shops and churches to tour and the catacombs. People will enjoy their last night overseas and then prepare for Monday flights home.

Continue to keep our team members in prayer as they get ready to end their missionary journey. Pray that we stay safe and healthy! Thanks for all the love and support and prayers!!