Start of Camp: 2-week SEBC

July 9, 2024

The Vranov English Bible Camp is underway!

On Sunday, the team attended worship in the Vranov Lutheran Church. Team leader Phil delivered the sermon, and the team introduced themselves to the congregation and received a blessing from the pastor. After church, we enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant, after which we dove into camp preparations.

Monday: Trust when we are in danger

Yesterday (Monday) was our first day of camp. We had almost 90 students attend, and we began learning about Trust and the life of Moses. Monday’s theme in particular was “trust when we are in danger,” and we talked about how Moses’s mother trusted that he would be kept safe and that God has plans for us like he did for Moses. Students wove their own baskets in crafts, wriggled around to “Father Abraham” in music, got nice and sweaty in sports (we’re enjoying temperatures in the 90s this week, so sweaty is the name of the game for everyone!), and practiced their English through conversation, games, and activities.

Tuesday: Trust when we make mistakes

The theme for today (Tuesday) was “trust when we make mistakes.” In the opening, students helped act out of the story of Moses killing an Egyptian and running away to Midian, where he protected Zipporah’s family and then lived for several years. Our main idea is that God can use our mistakes to help us learn to trust Him.

Although the weather is warm and we all feel like we need a nap all of the time, the energy level at the camp is high! All of our interpreters/helpers have either interpreted before or been part of past camps; one was even a camper at our very first Vranov camp in 2013. One interpreter who was not able to be here last year said that coming back feels “like coming home to a family reunion,” and it’s true. Many people who grew up in Vranov and have since moved away come back just for this camp, to see each other and to see the American team, and that familiarity and warmth is evident. Another former camper-turned interpreter said she chooses to come back because she wants children to have the same experience that she had when she was a child, which is especially meaningful when coming from a 16 year old! So, not only have we come to share the Gospel in words and actions, but we are also able to show what it means to be part of the Body of Christ: family connected through Christ’s blood seeking to show that love to those around them.

Prayer Requests

We do ask all of our senders and prayer warriors to lift up our team’s health. Some illnesses have started to work their way through our group, and 2 team members were unable to teach today. Thankfully we have been blessed with a big team, which means others have been able to step in and help out, but we want everyone back to fighting strength as soon as possible!

Prayer Requests:

  • Praises: For the almost 90 students and 20 interpreters/helpers who are here at the camp; for the relationships old and new that have been formed
  • Petitions: For the health of the whole team; for speedy recovery for our members who are currently sick and protection from illness for the rest of us; for restful sleep for everyone but especially our 2 year old team member, whose (very noisy) difficulties with sleep this week have affected more of the team than just him!