19 search results for "English Bible camps"

Story - Slovakia EBC Combined Team – Vienna Day 1

Hello from Vienna! Both teams from Botizoce and Ružomberok combined yesterday around 5pm at the church in Ruzomberok. The teams rode on a bus together into Vienna and arrived at their hotel around 9pm. The hotel accommodations are lovely and everyone was able to have a restful night.  We all reconvened in the morning for breakfast in a very crowded hotel...


Story - First Days in Batizovce: 2-Week EBC

Today we wrapped up our second day of camp in Batizvoce. We have almost 60 students in attendance along with a whole crew of Slovaks from the local church who are helping to make this camp possible. Batizovce is a small village located in the High Tatras, and this camp draws students from many villages in the surrounding areas as well...


Story - ALBANIA TEAM – First Week Done!

The first week of camp was a resounding success and full of joy, a picnic, and closing celebration! The English Bible Camp in Peshkopi seemed to end much sooner that it should have. With 70 students in attendance, the energy levels were high and the joy of being together was unmistakable. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit was moving in, around, and...


Story - Countdown to Departure: 2-week SEBC

The Slovakia English Bible Camp teams are getting ready to depart! There are three different English Bible Camps happening in Slovakia this year with two different teams serving, not to mention the two teen camps that will be taking place at the same time. God is moving mightily in this country, and many children and teens will hear the Gospel...


Story - Slovakia EBC: Week 1 Wrap-up

The 2023 English Bible Camp in Vranov nad Toplou is officially in the books! Here's a little by-the-numbers review: 9: the number of English Bible Camps that have now been held in Vranov 86: the number of students ages 6-13 who attended this year's camp 18: the number of Americans who served on the team 18: the number of Slovaks who served as interpreters,...


page - Full Time Missionaries

Rev. Aleksandr & Alyona Gröss SON /NALC Global Workers in UKRAINE About Aleksandr & Alyona's work in Ukraine DELKU (German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine) Assistant to the Bishop and President of the DELKU Synod; Director/Founder of Gloria! Evangelical Youth Ministries Based in the southern, Odesa region village of Novogradovka, Ukraine, Pastor Aleksandr Gross and his wife, Alyona, have been very close, long-time indigenous...


page - Leadership Team

Pastor David Breidenbach Executive Director - Albuquerque, NM Read Pastor David's Biography Pastor David Breidenbach joined the staff as Executive Director in March 2015. He is a dual-rostered clergy member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). David spent 14-years at his previous call, where he served as Associate Pastor and Director of Overseas Missions...


page - FAQs

Am I equipped to go? Generally, there are only three things that are required: The ability to speak English. In all of the countries where SON serves, students are required to begin learning English in the 2nd grade. They ALL want to practice their English skills with native English speakers. You do NOT need to be specially trained in English as a...



Today was our final day of English Bible Camp in Ružomberok, Slovakia. he students did a wonderful job presenting their skits. Group A led by teacher Rachel did a song about Moses using the tune to "Bingo was his name-o". Group B led by teacher Rae did a skit about God sending Moses to Egypt and the Ten plagues that...


Story - Start of Camp: 2-week SEBC

The Vranov English Bible Camp is underway! On Sunday, the team attended worship in the Vranov Lutheran Church. Team leader Phil delivered the sermon, and the team introduced themselves to the congregation and received a blessing from the pastor. After church, we enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant, after which we dove into camp preparations. Monday: Trust when we are...



The Ruzomberok Team has finished their last stateside training and are well prepared. Over the next couple of days, people from three time zones will be gathering in Ruzomberok, Slovakia to conduct a week long English Language Bible Camp. We are so excited to begin the adventure that awaits us in Slovakia! Team members from Colorado, New York,  Ohio, Florida and...


Story - ALBANIA TEAM – Camp Begins!

The first week of English Bible Camp began in Peshkopi on Monday. The first two days of camp seemed to zoom by, with a lot of songs, sports, crafts and English lessons from the Book of Psalms! In addition to Peshkopi, children travel from several remote villages to join the camp each day, for a total of 70 students! Every morning we...


Story - LATVIA TEAM – That’s a Wrap!

Last Day and Closing Celebration at Sabile The final day of any camp seems to go by so fast. This first camp in Sabile really seemed to zoom by faster than most, as the newness of our being there was still very much on the hearts and minds of our hosts and the community. Final English lessons and run-throughs of each...


Story - LATVIA TEAM – Sabile Day 2

Two Camps Today! Tuesday brought many blessings and a second camp for us to merge into! The second day of English Bible Camp in Sabile brought with it a noticeable difference in the kids. They were no longer anxious and unsure of what to expect, but were much more engaged and excited to be back! This is pretty typical, especially when it...


Story - LATVIA Team in Transition

Moving to Sabile On Saturday, the team transitioned in a couple of ways. (However, no boats were actually used for transport. :-)) Pastor Mark & Julia had to depart and begin their journey back to the States and their ministry in the St.Louis area, while the rest of the team moved from Saldus on to the picturesque, northwestern Latvia town of...


Story - Day Five: Trusting in God’s Promises

Hello, SON supporters! As we wrap up our incredible week here at the English Language Bible Camp in Latvia, I’m excited to share with you the highlights and experiences of our last day. Once again our mission team has seen God work in amazing ways. We’ve been blessed with joy, learning, and profound moments of connection. Today’s theme was “Trust in God’s...


Story - Friday Finale – Albania

by team co-lead, Phil Lee Amazing! Today is already the last day of our two one-week English Language Camps in Peshkopi, Albania - one camp in town and one in the nearby village of Kastriot. We've been focused on the theme of the power of God to heal, using various Biblical stories of healing to teach English and bring...


Story - Albania Camp 2 is in Full Swing

From team co-lead, Phil Lee... It's a new week, our second week in Albania, and Camp 2 in the village of Kastriot is off and running! This is a rural village area several miles outside of the town of Peshkopi. I continue to be impressed with the beauty of this country, with mountains, valleys, rivers and streams, it's a...


page - Learn

Most of us recognize that an orphan is someone without a father or a mother and without the connection of an extended family. Orphans often suffer from feelings of anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness. Central and East European countries endured more than 70 years of imposed scientific atheism under Soviet communist rule. In the wake of the fall of the Iron...
