Reversal of Fortune: Joseph

Sold into slavery, Joseph rises to prominence in Egypt and catches the attention of an important member of The Pharaoh's...

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Day 1: Living in Faith – Joseph

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you...

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Team has arrived in Riga!

As of Friday, all but one member of our team is now safely here in Saldus. We were greeted at...

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Ready, Set, Go Team!

The Latvia 2023 Team leaves for Latvia in 14 days! We are busy with our final preparations. Please...

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Spring 2022 SON News Magazine

Read the latest about the SON Ukraine Relief Fund, 2022 Mission Teams preparations, and opportunities to join in and support...

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A Word About Ukraine Relief Fund A message and update from SON Executive Director, Pastor David Breidenbach, on the first anniversary of the 2022 Russian war...

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SON 2021 Autumn Newsletter

See where YOU helped SON serve this summer and learn how God expanded our reach in sharing the Gospel with...

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SON Network Videos After the Fall What difference do SON mission trips make in Albania? A video montage of a 2023 SON Life & Adventure...

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Telling Their Story Better

TELLING THEIR STORY BETTER Almost 28 years ago, on September 23, 1992, under the leadership of AFLC pastor, Don Richman, East...

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